Frequently Asked Questions

The information contained within this website has hopefully provided an insight into the foundations of our business and our strategies. We are always receptive to discuss any information you may require;

  • The answer is simple: Greater opportunities to safely grow your wealth. If you lived in a small country town you would have a very limited choice when it comes to products and services available to you. You are also subject to the legal and “social regulations” of the town.

    It is logical then that you may look to neighboring larger cities for a wider range of services and opportunities at lower cost and greater freedom to make choices. In the same way, astute operators look to the international markets for the best services, products and opportunities to achieve their financial wealth building objectives.

    In a nutshell — we believe. Why limit ourselves to shopping at the corner store when we have a global supermarket at our fingertips? 98.8% of the world's financial liquidity exists in 3 major markets (Europe, Americas, Asia). If we place an investment dollar internationally we therefore have 98.8% of potential liquidity to attract to it.

  • With over 35 years of Investment analysis experience we know and believe that those opportunities listed above offer the most consistent, lowest risk, highest return ratio to any other investment scenario available.

    We cannot say that there is no risk (other than Arbitrage), because every investment has a Risk versus reward. The Forex and Crypto Markets allow a trader to minimise any loss per trade and to maximise any profit to its full potential.

    Our Trading Strategies have stood the test of time with over 18 years of positive trading results averaging 15% plus each year (with the exception of 2008 marking the Global Economic Financial Crises also known as the “GFC” and the current Global Economic Financial Crisis as felt by the global pressures post 2020 Covid-era). Despite poor economic cycles and major financial crisies our trading strategies have continued to provide clients with positive and consistent returns.

    Our Trading Philosophy is always aimed over a 12 month period as we know economic cycles will vary month to month which result in a varied monthly performance, but a performance that over 12 months consistently achieves a positive result. In not being greedy and trading to secure small but consistent profits our clients can feel assured that their funds are safe and securing consistent compounding growth.

  • In order to ensure client funds are protected at all times the following structure has been implemented so that every client can feel assured that their funds are safe.

    Client funds are held by the PTI Trading Trust which is overseen by three Trustees and is regulated by various government Fianancial Authorites. We must therefore comply with all operational and reporting
    regulations regarding financial transactions and structures associated with our business. To be in breach would mean that we could not continue to provide the service that we do.

    Trustees ensure the safety and security of all funds being traded on behalf of clients and comprise of caretaking specific roles as outlined in standard trustee regulatory responsibilities

    Funds are located in regulated Trading Fund Platforms.

    All funds are held and accessed via a Licensed Third-Party Bank in Switzerland acting alongside the Trading Platforms utilised by Panther Trading International Limited.

    Any funds to be placed, accessed and/or withdrawn must be agreed and signed off by at least two of the three Trustees.

    There are strict regulations and controls relating to client withdrawals and placements.

    In this structure the client has an assurance that no individual can disappear with client funds.

    In the event of death or incapacitation of the Trader, the Trading Trust has a stipulation that the remaining Trustees will undertake to close the Trading Trust and to return to all clients any and all amounts owing and accrued on behalf of the client.

    All withdrawals are subject to the regulatory requirements.

  • If after due consideration of all relevant information, facts and personal objectives you wish to utilise our Trading Services; then you as the client and us as the Trader enter into a signed Legal Trading Agreement.

    This agreement outlines the services you wish us to undertake on your behalf, the amount you wish us to trade for you and any other requirements either party wishes to undertake or implement.We are able to structure our services to meet just about any personal structure or requirement that you may have.

  • Between the 5th and the 10th of each month we will provide a monthly Trading Performance Statement to you via email. This statement details your current existing Trading Balance, the months trading performance percentage, withdrawals or additions and your closing balance.

    In addition we will provide a brief Newsletter explaining the previous months trading, the state of the world economy, interesting news and from time to time educational articles on the financial world.

  • The simple answer is yes!

    The Super Fund Capital and its earnings growth is protected to ensure that compliance is maintained at all times.

    With an annual growth of 20% plus achievable, we believe our services provide an excellent avenue for a Self Managed Super Fund to achieve the type of growth required to adequately provide retirement benefits to the Funds beneficiaries.

    No longer does a self managed fund need hundreds of thousands of dollars to be viable.

    If you would like to know more information we can direct you to the right contacts and information sources to allow you to make an informed decision if this option would be appropriate for you.

  • We make no representation that the past will represent the future. As financial markets are dynamic, performance figures may differ significantly higher or lower than those shown based on the market conditions at the given time reviewed

    > Capital Growth (CGD) Strategy 13.1% P.A. average (compounding monthly)
    > International Currency Exchange (ICX) Strategy : 14.76% P.A. average
    > Equities, Cryptocurrencies, Metals (ECM) Strategy : 21.4% P.A. average
    > Fixed Return Strategy (FRS): 13.0% P.A. average (fixed)

  • Click the form below and let us know if you have a question that is not listed here but you believe it should be!

Last Updated on Wednesday 24th April 2024

Panther Trading International

Official Online

Panther Trading International ⋆ Official Online ⋆