Terms and Conditions

  • Dormant” - You can click on the word to be redirected to the Official United Kingdom registration website which is a live representation of events transpired pertaining to business and company records. Below is an exerpt from this link which you can read more about on the site

    Your company is usually dormant for Corporation Tax if it:
    > has stopped trading and has no other income, for example investments
    > is a new limited company that hasn’t started trading
    > is an unincorporated association or club owing less than £100 Corporation Tax
    > is a flat management company

    Panther Trading International Limited solely acts as a trustee for the trust;


  • Panther Trading International Limited (atf PTI Trading Trust) provides a bespoke Specialised Trading Services on Select International Financial Markets to a small boutique selection of clientele represented only by invitational contract

    In combination with proven markets (listed further below in full) and Share Trading strategies we are able to provide a conservative, low risk but consistently profitable service. In such specialisation we achieve consistently profitable returns by being able to identify and take advantage of opportunities well in advance of the main stream investment market.

    The modern world offers an almost infinite number of Investments and financial markets within which to trade and invest. From the major world Stock Markets, Resource Markets, Commodities Markets, Futures Markets, Options Markets, Foreign Currency Markets, Property, Bonds, down to niche country markets that trade in securitised mortgage Bonds.

  • Any transactions that you may conduct using this website are bound by the terms and conditions listed on this site, privacy policy and third-party apps and other programs that may be used to facilitate this transaction for you.

    Any legitimate booking, donation, deposit, contribution and payment will only be by prior arrangement and agreement of both parties, ‘us’ being Panther Trading International Limtied (atf PTI Trading Trust) and ‘you’ the user of this site whether client, prosptective or otherwise. Any other site or third-party or any person, business, company or otherwise unlisted party purporting to be Panther Trading International Limited (atf PTI Trading Trust) or seeking such aforementioned are not genuine and should be reported to us immediately as the official holder of copyright, intellectual property and otherwise lawful and legal rights of information pertaining to this space.

  • Feedback, Compliments and Complaints can be provided to us by completing the form at the bottom of this page

  • Panther Trading International Limited (and affiliated) Trust is a Trading Fund and NOT a bank

    The trading Trust was established to provide the safest Investing structure for clients available; to this end the Trading trust has continued to provide safety and security for client funds.

    Unlike banks or managed investments which carry large amounts of liquid funds; we place the majority of your funds into trade, to earn you maximum benefit.

    In order for us to achieve the results we do, we diversify and structure the use of funds across a range of strategies, asset classes and markets.

    Placements range from short term to ultra long term. Some of these are for fixed periods of time and some float relative to daily, weekly, monthly and annually; being dictacted by chosen markets and their specific perameters;

    Market Conditions
    Please also note : To also utilise funds to best advantage we combine client funds into each Trade to access better returns based on risk profile, strategy mix and funds size.

    Collective Management
    Under the Fund Trust Charter that Trustees cannot undertake any action in a trade that would be detrimental to another client or clients.

    For Example: If a trade is currently in a negative position, the Trustees cannot close a trade for one client for withdrawal as it would be to the negative detriment of other client funds in that trade from the Trust Deed

    4.1 The Trustee must apply the income and capital of the Trust Fund, which is not appointed Income

    4.2 The Trustee must NOT make any investment or financial decision that will be to the detriment of a Beneficiary

    In Addition
    These 3 factors currently combine to challenge the Trust’s ability to close out trades for withdrawals

Contact Us

We understand that sometimes you would like to provide feedback on a product or service you received; We encourage you to fill out the form below if you have a Compliment, Complaint or General Feedback and we will address your communications within 14 business days. If you are not completely satisfied after we have responded to your enquiry we will endeavor to provide you with your further options beyond this;

Panther Trading International

Official Online

Panther Trading International ⋆ Official Online ⋆