Terms of Use

  • 1.1 Who are we? Panther Trading International Limited (atf PTI Trading Trust) also known as Panther Trading International Online is a boutique bespoke financial portfolio management service

    1.2 We would like to acknowledge all of the trustees, stakeholders, beneficiaries, third-parties and relevant affiliated or otherwise Authorised Representative of PTIO and company

  • 2.1 All information is current unless otherwise stated and each page will contain a date of last update at the bottom of each page; This page was last updated on Thursday 18th April 2024;

    2.2 Information included in this website has been edited and brought into alignment with the laws that govern everything and are believed to be true and correct at the time of publishing;

    2.3 All reasonable steps have been taken to ensure that users of this website, Applications or participation in any product or service with Panther Trading International Limited or affiliated are aware of these Policies, Procedures, Terms, Conditions, Privacy Policy, Cookie Notice and any other relevant information for any visitor, guest, client, customer or other party who is seeking us out;


    The following website and all contents herein are strictly for information and education purposes only. It is not an offer to invest or to solicit funds for investment in any way.

    Panther Trading International Limited (atf PTI Trading Trust) is a Financial Management and Asset Protection entity; based in United Kingdom and Switzerland

    Panther Trading International Limited (atf PTI Trading Trust) is a service based business, Strictly providing Financial Trading Services to their clients, in Agreement and upon request from client/s and such Agreement is based on the parameters as requested by each client and their contracts bound respectively.

  • Refer to Terms and Conditions page for a full list of definitions;

  • 4.1 Alongside this Terms of Use and Service page you are recommended to review the Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, Terms and Conditions and Official Public Statements;

    4.2 User Accounts are offered in conjunction with Apps including but not limited to this website from time to time however at this time no such service or product is offered; All information collected and held about individuals is done so in accordance with our policies and prodcedures for the reasons prescribed;

    4.3 Guidelines (rules, requirements and restrictions) are provided to you in the form of the information included in this page (Terms of Use and Service), Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, Terms and Conditions and Official Public Statements;

    4.4 When you participate in a product or service with Panther Trading International Limited (atf PTI Trading Trust) or any other affiliated man, woman or entity; You agree to this and other statements of fact and are bound by these by definition of a contract;

    4.5 The laws that govern everything ensure this contract is enforceable in a court of Law and you agree that at anytime should you breach this contract that we may take further action against any trespass that may be experienced in any form to bring remedy to controversy for all parties involved;

  • All content provided on this website or shared on other platforms or Apps such as Meta Facebook, or any other social media platform is the original creation and works of perpelFLAME Independent Media Publishing and has been created for the sole use and by request and agreement with and of Panther Trading International Limited (atf PTI Trading Trust) and or Authorised Representatives or affiliates

  • The types of products and services offered herein are general in nature to the scope of the financial industry by way of over 35 years of industry knowledge and experience provided by mutual voluntary invitational agreement and recommendations.

    These are bound and governed by local, national and international laws as outlined in relevant sections on this website including but not limited to the Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions and anything not mentioned here but that may be relevant to this answer

  • Each product and service has a delivery method depending on the item which can include but is not limited to physical mail delivery, digital delivery using applications and tools such as computers, mobile phones, tablet devices or other electronic forms of communication and connection;

    7.1 Your personal details will be collected so that we can appropriately deliver your product or service to you; Your details are obtained, held and collected in accordance with our Privacy Policy;

  • At the time of this being published; This text, and all that is included on this website or any other affiliated, Authorised Representative of Panther Trading International Limited (atf PTI Trading Trust) or otherwise attributed to the aforementioned;

    8.1 The content or spin-off content or any content that may be created as a result of any content attributed to the aforementioned remains the complete ownership of Panther Trading International Limited (atf PTI Trading Trust) and the affiliated; All relevant Copyright laws can and will be brought to task if any of the content or information on this website is in anyway replicated, copied, distrubuted or in anyway shared without the sole written express permission of Panther Trading International Limited (atf PTI Trading Trust);

    8.2 The aforementioned remains the Intellectual Property of its owner and all Confidential and Personal Information is collected, held and stored in accordance with our Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions and Terms of Use and Service; More information can be found on the appropriate pages;

  • Links to other websites may sometimes be found in the text paragraphs, titles, photograhy and other multimedia that is on this website or any other associated applications and may lead you to other associated websites or third-party websites that we hold no control over whatsoever;

  • We have the right to make changes to this agreement at anytime and we agree that upon any changes made the appropraite actions are taken to notify current and future participants to products and services by way of updating the Official Public Statement page and sharing this information across a range of platforms which could include but not limited to Meta Facebook, SMS, Telephone, Meta Messenger and more; If you wish to have your say on any changes please write to us with your suggestion, feedback or commentary; Pages that have been updated will show the last updated date at the bottom of the page;

  • All contact information shared on this website is known to be true, correct and current at the date of posting (located at the bottom of the page); You can also visit contact us; All mailed requests can be sent to the details of the authorised representative listed below:

    11.1 Authorised Representative: Phillip Crane
    11.2 Global Mailing Address: 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H91Q
    11.3 Telephone Number: Contact us
    11.4 Contact E-Mail: ptit.online@proton.me
    11.5 Company Number: 12840966

  • 12.1 At the time of purchasing or entering into an agreement of service you agree to ahere to the Warranty and Limitation of Liability Disclaimer for each product or service offered here;
    Products have limited liability according to the type of product offered; For Example: If a digital download such as a song, music or other audial download is obtained, Warranty is limited to the ability for the individual who is obtaining said items ability to do so based on their available technology; That said, it is the responsibility of the individual to ensure they have the appropriate technology, applications or requirements to participate fully in the experience of the product or service that is provided;

    12.2 You will be provided to the best of our ability all that is required to participate in a product or service however you agree that we are not responsible for anything that may occur to your devices as a result of participating in our products and services and you agree that we are bound to the third-party applications and technology that we are using to provide these products and services to you; Each product and service offered to you here is limited to the liability of said product or service based on what is being offered;

  • At anytime this agreement and any other agreement found on this website or any other application or form of communication from Panther Trading International (atf PTI Trading Trust) or other Authorised Representatives may be severed and terminated with no further notice required should this agreement be deemed null and void for any form of breach or otherwise in alignment with the Laws that govern everything;

    13.1 If we determine that this contract between you and us should be terminated for our benefit then we will do so in order to preserve and maintain the Panther Trading International (atf PTI Trading Trust) and other associated Authorised Representatives and other representations of these branding, image, reputation or alignment with the Laws that govern everything and you agree to these terms as soon as you participate in this website or through any other means of participation with our products, services or any other activities in conjunction or association to the aforementioned;

  • All feedback is taken seriously and you are encouraged to provide your feedback whether positive or negative by using our communication form on the Contact Us page; We adhere to a Dispute Resolution Process by engaging to further investigate and further understand the state of misalignment and furthermore to be able to suggest and recommend remedy to bring the dispute to resolution and remedy; If this does not eventuate we can recommend further options should this become a requirement of the situation to hand including but not limited to a external dispute resolution processes and mediation formats;

    14.1 We always offer to work with any disputes or claims that may arise as a result of products of services offered however we will immediately deny and reject any frivilous or otherwise deemed non-issue disputes where we believe there is no evidence, proof or the claim does not have any facts attached to it;

    14.2 We will always respond to feedback and disputes that are brought to our attention and will never ignore such claims;

  • At the time of writing this to the best knowledge of the writer, creator, editor and everybody else who may review this information; This website and the contents within it are in alignment with the Laws that govern everything as well as Australian Consumer Law and any other local State, National or International laws that may be applicable;

    15.1 Any misalignment within our policies and procedures is unintentional and can be brought to our attention by getting in contact and communicating the misalignment with any evidence that you may have in relation to this;

    15.2 We endevour to consult and communicate with as many external resources and bodys of information including but not limited to Government, Law Enforcement, Judicial, Justice and any other relevant compliance information source that may assist us in remaining, maintaining and initiating compliance for this website and any other associated products, services, applications, programs or Authorised associated content;

Panther Trading International

Official Online

Panther Trading International ⋆ Official Online ⋆